The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas (2025)

"PAGE 12 Iron Outranks Gold As Most Valuable Metal In The World KV JUI, HOYl'K NIBBING, Minn. Wi-- What is the most valuable me- "uranium." tal? A merchant 'might say, "gold!" that word hns never lost Its lure, perlments In the atom bomb, mlgh But in terms of everyday liv ing the most valuable metal still that old servant lion. Yo ver ure, have to eat Iron lo live. Iro A scientist, thinking o( new the muscle steel, the frame work of all great modern civil Red Adherent Attracts Many To Her Bier izatlon In war and in peace A XATIOX without Iron toda is a nation without muscle. Amer icans use more Iron than any oihe people.

'J'hcy know as much about (t as the average China man docs about athlete's foot. NEW YORK The body ttw facls and nf "Mother Bloor." who spent sr rcs niloul 1 ca most of her SS years battling for or a lest: Communist and left-wing causes, Ir.y in state last night in St, Nichols Arena, a mid-Manhattan prize fight hall, The four-hour public viewing and funeral service was attended Snme 26 per cent of all the Iron produced in the comes from the here United States Mesabi Rang, Is In gres pocket of glacial drift about hundred miles long and up to seven by Communist ami wide nature con the curious, and a a her bounties Mesabi Is a giant that has sprinkling of FBI agents--more than 2,000 persons in all. "Mother private life Mrs. Ella Reeve Bloor Omholt-- rlicd last Friday In Quakertown, Pa. An adherent to all Red trines, she visited the Sovic Union several times.

-During Hie first few hours th body was on view, a scattering people filed past the Imitatio mahogany casket. A large American flag hun 1 behind the bier, otherwise, th' color Red was predominant --li the several dozen floral pieces am the armbands worn by Com muntsts dignitaries. The FBI men mingling with Ih mourners were know to the news papermcn present. Reactivation Of Harlingcn AFB Okayed WASHINGTON Texas OUnli lo I110re were authorized yesterday by the House in a im a rv construction program sent to the oenale. The largest Texas cm 1,1 the Ic.xa.5 list was for Lackland Air Force Base at San Antonio, Texas project in the original program was eliminated by tho commlHeo before the measure reached the House.

This was 5251,000 for improvement lo the San Jacinto Ordnance Depot in Houston. The original Texas list was trimmed only about Tbe authorized program inciud-i crts: Hurlingen Air Force Base reactivation. $15,462000 its strength Into plow and skyscrapers, pu' poured snares o. sinews In swords and a Without the Aicsabi range America could hardly have fought and won two grent World Wars so handily or arm itseli so well for a third one Iron used to be clawed by picks In underground tunnels Some still Is But now huge shovels that do the work of scores of men strip off the cover- Ing soil surface, then scoop up five cubic feet of heavy ore as If it were so much ice cream The shovels work down almost lo (he five-hundred foot level, creating great valleys of rust ONE MINING company in Uie hull-nist-mahoninjr. pit, the.

world's largest, has 55 miles of railroad track within this single vast bole Ore also is rundled to the surface In 22-ton nicks and by a conveyor belt 'orty stories tall An odd sidelight: Most visitors ihmk the redder the earth the richer the ore content 'T'aint't EO The richest ore is blue- naek, and crumbly jj i rot icaring low grnde ore, is called paint rock" by the miners A. cleamng-up operation, in which ore pockets are washed out bv hydraulic pressure, is called 'a cram job" An answer lo America's com- ng Iron shortage lias In the dis- overy of new ranges They xplore for iron by airplane now The plane carries a gad- called a magnetometer ls Medle 15 to jitter- that means "metal below" the more of this pre- lous metal is found, the more se- ure 13 America's industrial might but so far they can't mine: from raisins, unfortunately Had you iron today? I SPREADING TUB 2VEWS -Shapely Vera Marks, 11, a. Ktmlent from Frankfurt, tclc- tho news thnt she has Just been named 'Miss Ger- lany, 1951" at Baden-Baden. She plans a caretr In journalism. NEA-Acmc photo by jtaff Photographer Hanns Jaeger.) AUGUST 15.

1951 American Legion State Meet Set In San Antonio SAN ANTONIO A The late American Legion convention pens here tomorrow with more lan 5,000 delegates expected for he four days. Principal speakers at the bns- sessions will be R. Wson, national foreign relations lalrman of the Legion, ami Bill Ikins of Killeen, State Command- A big parade is scheduled for he opening day 'of the meet and another is set for Saturday. On the basis of duty of tho orbits of comets, scientists have predicted a tenth planet far bo- yontl the last discovered planet Pluto and 77 times as far from the 1 sun us is the enrth. Englishman Hopes U.

S. Never Gefe A Socialist Government "never MCJlt. sSS-SrSSS-sStfasRs Brownsville Lions Club Tuesday that he the United States sees a socialist govern. Mr. Hickman is accountant at McCarty Shipping Co.

In England he was employed in the finance and accounting department of the local government offices in Warrington, Lancashire, for 25 years. He holds four diplomas in library science, as required by the Library Association of Great Britain, and was the branch secretary to the Warrington and District Branch of the National Association of Local Government Officers. Mil. iilCKMAN said the English people at the end of World War II "were looking forward to decent living conditions but England still Is suffering austere ing." With socialized medicine, Mr. Hlckman said a to 11 months is required to get a pair of free government glasses, anil then only one typo of frame can be obtained.

1950, ld he has lne like of friendship as there 1s in Brownsville, an Item of which I to friends and newspapers in England," C1.UB I'KKSIDENT D. A. Crossley read to the members letter from the president ot the Lions Club in Ottawa. a town Involved the recent destructive flood The Ottawa club president asked local members to write their senators and representatives, urging passage of the Pick-Sloan plan, which would provide for Middle flood control. letter said the recent Hood cost three times ration- he satd, "the only man busy is the undertake" and he blamed the him' in plan's failure doctors, nurses, on a shortage of and Durango Cut Off Airlift Schedules Duringo Is out aa terminus for the alien which has thus far flown 21,257 aliens into Mexico, Charles Lonergan, limml gratlon chief here, said today.

Alt planes now are flying equal numbers to Guadalajara and San Luis Potosl. Rumor sometime ago indicated no more planes would fly to Durango because officials there were not cooperative. The Immigration Service refused to confirm this for weeks. Durango has officially been cut out, Mr. Lonergan said, because of I he high number of returnees icceiii noon cosi three mcs iv more than a flood control system (TM a Iea 0( about 50 re.

would. turnees who appeared in (District Court recently, a Shooting Suspect Escapes To Mexico MERCEDES A 26-year-old alien was In Mexico today (majority returned Iron the jfji by an excellent nlghwiy, ne said. Though Guadalajara Is not much farther, bad roads make returning from there more difficult he said. Last flight to Durango was July 17. Planes are still carrying- aliens each trip, he said.

Fou planes leave daily, though yester day morning. one plane's engln balked and only three made th morning and afternoon flights Flights of four were restored to OUTDOOR FIREPLACE Ypur home-made outdoor fireplace will burn either wood or charcoal. It Is a good Idea to build storage cabinets at either side, with table-top space at one One of the oldest fibers known a Is ramie, or China grass. 1-1311 ROWNSVILLE TAILORS and CLEANERS side, A idea. grill good (Aduitlstmtnts) WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- ii 0.

to liould ptmi out about 1 ol julcd into dijwlive diy. II tbu bile not Roving food my act It any jmt in trtrt. CM bloiti up itonucb. You irt You fwl male uuj tt. loolcj punk, It talent tWw mild.

IjltU Uw Pills to tt thue 2 pials of Uow- you fwl "up and up." flsl i Uge totliy, fn Row IrwJy. Cutu'i Liltla Liver Pillj. fct My dmtatt, as police brought Iheir hunt for ng her lo an end. Police Chief C. P.

Barter said LAST CHANCE TO SAVE -ON SUMMER SHOES! tlio alien Is believed to have and slightly wounded Manuel Ker-i nendcz, 28. Mercedes, Sunday. The chief said it Is impossible for him Mr. Hickman, who came to the These are just few of the many at Craft's! HALF- SAI-T. CURVI-S Sizes Terrific Values Cream Deodorant Keeps Underarms Dry and Odorless Witch thoie intimate euives beneath your arms if you want to avoid pctspiration embarrassment and save your clothes from Kaios.

Used every day Acrid gives results of any de- odonnt rusted, 1. Effective, stops the appearance of underarms diy, 2. Safe, saves clothes fiora itatru. Does not tot dresses or men's shirts. 3.

Removes odor from perspiration oa contact, Kccpi you showcr-baih fresh. 4. Mild and gentle foe sfcia. Antiseptic. 5.

Today's Arrid with Creunogen smooth and creamy. Don't be half-safe. Use Arrid to be sure. CRAFT'S SHOE STORE 1216 E. Elizabeth AUGUST HI.O.M) MK DOUBLE DRESSER with 0 Itror DOUBLE DRESSER 6-PC RANCH STYLE lloclrfwiii Suite MODERN Was Bedroom Groups at Substantial Savings! 4-Pe, Walnut Bedroom Suite 50 124 4-Pe.

Walnut Waterfall Suite A 149 5-Pe. Walnut Modern Suite Wai $194,50 .159 4.PC, Mangel Dove Grey Walnut Suite OAS I (Mo Bench) Was $325.00 5-Pc. Nengri Grey Walnut Suite A Ml Size Was M51.M Z24 6-Pc, MMgel Limed Oak Suite Mftk Twin Bois, Was $317,50 249 Plastic Covered COCKTAIL CHAIRS Heavy Ihily, Maltorm ROCKERS Rill Covnvil Horn Spring PATIO CHAIRS FlMtlc Oovcnd, PlaHorm ROCKERS 11 Wl.M With Collon-VUlrd S.illrlolh STILL GOING ON! NEW MERCHANDISE FROM OUR IMMENSE WAREHOUSES! Savings Are Tremendous! SR TOT BABY STROLLERS Sec lip. Sold to Deale'rs EXTEND-A-TOP Tho Outstanding Buy Of The WAX BIRCH CRIBS Wlth Mil I raw SAtS Jlnplc or Wax Birch Vlnish YOUTH BEDS All Drcxcl Silver Elm Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture Trenwndout Living Room 2-Pc. Velour or Tape.try Covered Were Groups Reduced! Frieze Covered Were 2-Pe. Plastic Covered Were 3-Pc. Sectional Sofaj Were SH1.59 3-Pc. Sectional Sofai Yo.j'11 Like Were Simmoni Hide-A-Beds Were GLIDERS Oishlon WHALEN'S CHAIRS FURAIlTTinr i Heavy Cushion MEXTTOSTOMEWflU MCKSOHHOTD.TH SAMBDmro.

The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas (2025)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.