The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas (2024)

Buying Are Both Eftsy If You Read Classified Business Directory ARCHITECTS BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects--Engineers 208 Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone C17 Brownsville, Texac LOANS On Unproved E. G.

HOLLIDAY. irchitect and Builder State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 kNEWELL WATEKS Architect krity Stats Bank Building Texas residence property. and business Todd and Unaerwood 1037 Leree St.

Brownsville. Texaa. LOANS To buy, to build, to re-finance- er Improve your home or business property. Any Town In the Valley. Gunn Holdridge Over First National Bank Pharr.

Texas. AUTOMOTIVE OB STEVENSON MOTOR Inc. 10th Adams LOANS GORE Consulting National Bank lias. Phone 1077. Business rroj-erty at 6.

and RESIDENCE LOANS Sorol-Annual Payments at 7 and Monthly payments $12.13 per $1000.00. D. L. WELCH 19 Arcnds Bide. Phone 1410.

MATTRESS RENOVATING -CONTRACTORS DUDLEY fcContractors Ihington St. lille. Texas he 627 Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. repair wors guaranteed SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 PRICED RIGHT Deign Eeoaa J400.CO 1925 Nash 2-door; In first-class condition In every CASH TRADE TERMS BROWNSVILLE NASH CO. 1327 Loves.

Phone nee. Q-332 The Olmito Canning Co. At Olmito Wants RIPE TOMATOES for canning WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Second-hand talm- meograph. Address Boi Q-10. Herald.

Q-10 WANTED--One cash register for filling station. Call Texaco Qulclc Service. Phone 211, McAIlen, Texas. Q-'SS school bus body. E.

M. Wilson. La Feria, Texas. Q-245 ARTICLES FOR SALE SALE--The Cueto Auto Sales Co. will offer oft public sale, Saturday, June let, at 10 o'clock a.

In front of their office, comer 10th and Adams one used Bulck ieven-passencer touring car, In good mechanical condition, for cash to the highest bidder. The right to reject Tiny and all bids reserved. Q-231 AUTO REPAIRING UDLEY 'ind Leveling OFFICE EQUIPMENT Embankments Nat'l. Bank. isvllle.

ART'METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lltho Co 208 Merchants National Eanl: Phone 617--Brownsville FOR EXPERT NASH SERVICE Tou should see a Nash dealer, for we have the parts, we give the service, and we know the Nash. Cojne In and get acquainted. BROWNSVILLE NASS CO. 1327 Levee. Phone 1368.

P-198 FOR SALE New. stock of plumbing and plumbing supplies of all kinds; also soil pipe and fittings, wholesale and retail. Sampson Machinery Supply Co. Houston, Texas WANTED--AUTOS WE PAY CASH for used cars Nave Motor Co. Harlngen, Texas FOR SALE-- Jlirnlture for eight-room rooming house.

Also furniture for dining room. living rose and kitchen. Must be sold at once. Scuthem Realty Co. Phone 911.

Q-130 NEW EMERSON PIANO--Big discount. Easy terms. Phono 368-M, or P. O. Box 562, Bronsvllle, P.

O. Hambly. 'P-234 CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisements will be accepted over ths telephone from telephone subscribers, or from thoso having regular cnirge accounts. Otter classified advertising must be accompanied by cash. No accepted on an "until forbid" order.

A specified number at insertions must be given. Ths Herald reeerves neat 411 under th proper classification; and rejec unclean or objectionable- copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards ot thanks will taken at thi reg ular clasilfled 'rate. The publishers ero not ble for copy, omissions, typoeraph leal error or any unintentional tar that may occur, farther thaa correct In the naxt alter It 1 biouiht to their attention. All ad vertlslng are accepted oa this basis only.

Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an. experienced classified writer. lajuro publication same day opy should be presented not later ban 10:30 a. m.

Copy for Sunday SSUM should be In not later than p. m. Saturdays to insure roper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES words or USB. one In ver 20 one Insertion, per word ubsequent Insertions run consecutively, per ic month, per word 25c Minimum for monthly rate.

10 words. 0 classified advertisement ac- cepsed for Jess man 302 LOCAL READER BATES eaders. per count line, 2oe-- Per Inch $1.20 Second aad third days, 37c pur ne; fourth, fifth and sixth days, per line; 7 consecutive days, 13c er line. APARTMENTS for rent on paved street. Lights, water and gas furnished.

All conveniences. Phone 423 O-27 FURNISHED APARTMENTS-- a r. lights and gas furnished. Phone 55. P162 SUES MILL HEAD AFAHTMENT, private bath, hot water.

Corner Adams and Boulevard. Phone VS4. p-iss Junkin Apartments Two blocks east of High School on Blvd; 4-room apartments, strict- modern, beautifully furnished electrical refrigeration, overstuffed Ivlng room suites, walnut bedroom walnut bedroom suites, fire places and garages. Open for Inspection, PSONE 1254-W P-35 MOESIS and unfurnished. Modern, with garace.

Summer ratss. D. L. Welch. Phono K10-S48W.

N-n FOR THE COOLEST, most desirable apartment in town, phone 558. Q-95 Lieut. MilM FARMS FOK SALE LOST AND FOTND BUYERS AND SELLERS are both sat- ftfled by classified ad service. 5ISTERS REGISTER CO. Iht, sold and ftged Tax.

Box 90S IXNSFER jsfer Inc. chouse tacks BROWNS- TOWSS. 0 Hauling, liven. 1 PHONE 737 Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE'S STATIONERY BOOK STORE Brownsville. Texas LOST--On March 15 one large brown leather bill folel containing delivery receipts.

Reward. Jones Transfer fc Storage Co. Q-136 HELP WANTED WANTED--Printer for three weeks, starting June 24: must be mark-up man and capable of handling ad room. Wnte: don't wire. Foremen.

Herald, Brownsville. FOR SALE Boat motor and trailer Square stern canoe wUb, cork sponsions, Johnson Outboard Motor. Two-wheel- or trailer for carrying canoe. E. W.

Taylor. Taylor Luraber Brownsville. Q-100 YOUNG MAN wanted to work In clotting department. Gcod opportunity, iziz Eros. Q-244 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WANTED--American for general office work give references, phone Brownsville" number and full Information In first letter: no flappers need apply.

Bex Q-2S3. Herald. Q-253 FOB SALS--Piano, living rooai suite, dlnins room suite, bedroom suite. Ice box, electric stove, and several rugs. Mrs.

T. Ailz. 243 Elizabeth street, Q-134 SALESMEN--AGENTS JEWISH AND ITALIAN salesman to sell wholesale and retail in Valley. Wonderful proposition for right man. Salary ana large commission.

Address Mr. Mueller. 1512 LaBranch street. Houston, Texas. Q-247 PERSONAL "GOING.

GOING, OONS!" So many people are watching for blrfealns In the Classified Section that it pays to be quick Ic replying to acJs before the op- ortunltles are gone. CHILD'S BED. springs mattress, practically new. Phone 765. 1303 V7.

Elizabeth. Q-176 KOOFING THS TURNER BROWNSVILLE ROOFING Inc. Wa respectfully solicit your as well as new. Eighth and Railroad BrownsviJJe, Tex. Phons 1153 TO ALL OP MY PATRONS I wish to announce that I have have moved my offices Irora 405 State National Bank Bldg.

to 1715 Grant and 17th streets. Victoria Heights. Dr. M. K.

Cook. Chiropractor. Call 1223-J for appointment. Hours to 12 and 1 to 6. Q-173 DRIVING TO DBS MOIKES.

Iowa. In FOR SALE AT ONE-HALT PRICS--20 day beds. Will sell any amount. Apply Court, McAllen, Texas. Q-67 SAL3 or j.

L. Greer postpone from I'UMday. May 23 to Tuesday. Jun 4. 10 a.

m. AU kinds of farm ma chlnery. Including Fordson tractor Ford truck; cultivator; 2 listers: 2 five tooth harrows: 14-tooth harrow! 3 set 'harness; tvajon: cotton planter anc duster: and potato planter, digger, cut- Cnndler sedan, about Jur.e 2nd; room ln1 ra dor; and other articles too I for two passengers to share expense. Write or Inquire. L.

L. Zenor Realty San Benlto. Q-238 TYPEWRITERS numerous to mention. Also 2 cows and 3 mules. J.

L. Greer. administrator. miles north of airport, El Jerdln District Q-25S REAL ESTATE kiling Fa pot plants, and luets sabeth St. 1338 DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange Typewriter House) Distributors, New L.

C. SmltS "Silent" 8 and Late Corona 4 typewriters. Also sell Royal Portable! and "Factory" Rebuilts--all makes. We repair all mates typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elizabeth St.

Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters--Adding Machines supplies--Repairs Phone 506--Harlingcn PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS RALPH A. DUNKELB3RG Attorney at Law FLORIST, flowers St. Charles commercial Collections a Specialty Phone 711 I-CAFES IITCHEN for its Inmaculaey itervice i place for kmciics and Kton 9S Shop 'sliver IOS Seabury, George and Taylor Building Brownsville, Texas Davenport.

West and Ransome Attorneys at Law 3Q7-30B Merchants National Brownsville. Texas H. B. GALBRAIT3 Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville, Texas J.

T. Canales c. S. Eifiman, Ji CANALES AND SIDMAN Attorneys at Law Rial Eitute a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville, Texas Brownsville Hot' Springs and Turkish Baths The greatest surprise in outcry or your ctty. We work on rheumatism and neuritis.

Guarantee cure. We work oc you for any complaints with ivblch you are bothered. Please como and Rive us a caance. We cuarontee nr OUT work. The same treatment you can get.

anywhere elae you can get here, or better. All men trained. 4H Twelftn Brownsville Ecalth Resort. Slceplu? quarters prepared. 6M4 For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the esclualvo Cxs Ebaaos Subdivision.

Winding resaca running through property offertr.s natural lake front eltes for subdivision. Tbls is "for salo by owners a-d can bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lomax Houston and Brownsville Development Co. Arroyo Frontage Owner offers for sale 16 acres of land with 600 foot frontage on the Arroyo Colorado, near Rio Hondo. Soil is of the very highest type, well adapted to citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes hag perfect drainage and is all cleared and in cultivation.

This property is priced very reasonable and terms can be arranged. For particulars address Box R. H. B. care Brownsville Herald.

LOTS FOB SALE ELIZABETH STREET Brownsville, for sale at cash. Call 139R-W. LOT. West sacrifice for YOUR TELEPHONE Is the representative of eur add department In your own home. BUSINESS ePFUKTUNVT? H.

L. Yates Attorney at Law Etate'National'Bank Bldg. Brownsville CHIKC)PKACTOB M. Cook, D. C.

CHIROPRACTOR Nerv-O-Meter Service 1715 Grant and Seventeenth Victoria Heights Texas. Phone 1223-J EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED 'OB SAliE--Garsge and service station. rood Valley town, fine location. Box 27. La Fena.

C-207 THE SIGHT PLACE for everybody and everything Is.found by classified ads IF SPEED IS NECESSARY trust to a classified ad. 'FOR SALE Good -15-acre tract 3 miles from Brownsville, highway on two sides. Good drolnase ditch on 3 sides, all in cultivation. Price S12J.OO per acre. 7-acre tract fronting on Resaca planted to J-year-old trees In bear- Ing; 4-room house and other bul'd- ngs.

half mile from cltv limits Price 51500.00 per acre. Good raodem B-room house In Victoria Addition, 200 leet off Fourtenth 6t, Inquire from E. A. Monsees. HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE--Modern new home, 6 rooms, bath, hot water, garage; corner Levee and 10th street.

West Brownsville. Srnall down payment. balance HKe rent; T. phone 5U2 or 694. F-138 REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS ownsvllle's Supreme Residential Jstrict, carefully restricted, com- IHely Home sites from I.TO.DO, easy terms.

James-Dlckln- Realtors, corner tr 1 Brownsville. FOE SALE-- Will sell on account of other bunlness, a fine paying sandwich shop, with rtance hail. Bargain price. Apply The Tower, on highway between San Benlto and Harllngen. 8-228 FOR SALE Established insurance business paying good monthly returns located fastest growing Valley town.

Keasonable cash payment. Address Box Q246, Herald. INVESTIGATE SUMMIT PLACE THEK INVEET FOR SALL 1 One seven-room house, block from high school. House two yeni'; old. Oa Adarcs, between First and Paini Blvd.

Lot fifty by one hundred twenty feet. Modern In every way. One thou- taad cash will handle this place. Phone 1090 or write F. W.

HOWABD. 2-235 BUY OK EXCHANGE TO TRADE for vacant lots or improved resilience property, email farm less than six miles from Brownsville, near concrete road snd good school. Address Owner, Box Q-78. Herald. (J-78 TEE HZRALD OFFICE has two tickets to the Capitol Theater for E.

G. Garcia Bakery, 912 15th Must be called for before p. May 31, 1029. FGB SALE OR TRADE--Modern tourist streets, one mile from Gateway Bridge, on'the main thoroughfare ItuJIflg to ths proposed ship channel, municipal airport, rich farming dla- trtct of El jjrdln, and Boca, Chlca Beach. Easy terms.

Office 14th and Hays streets. J. j. Dalli-s, eales manager, phone 336, Texas. P-35 terms.

Owner has business. M. B. Bourne, Sebastian. Texas.

Q-157 OWNBB.M0ST SELL at once beautiful Los Kbanos" lot at sacrtflcs Tenaj can bo arranged. Call Phone 139S-W. in Classified Ads J-- PRICED for quick Mile, one of the best cafes In McAllen. riolng good business and In a good location, other business reason for selling. White Kitchen, Mc- fEEp A COOK? Place a "clajslflad ad in this newspaper and expect first-class meals at home coon.

FOR SALE, or rent, apartment house newly furnished. P. O. Box 1124. Q190 FARMS FOR SALE Allen.

Q-251 FOB SALE--At great sacrifice on account of old age and poor health, cafe, confectionery, noda fountain, "-peanut and popcorn machine, full assortment of stock. Box 401, La Ferla. Q-204 BUY OB EXCHANGE WANTED-- Green beans and ripe tomatoes for canalnn. ing Co. Los Fresnos Pack- THE MARKETPLACE fflr everything for everybody--the classified pagns.

OWNER OFFERS FOR SALE--16-acre farm only five miles from Brownsville- and Just 200 yards off concrete highway. Has 8-room house, and near graded school. Can be bought at attractive price and terms. Box Q-79 Herald. TELLING MORE means selling more.

It' is worth while to give all important facts in your classified td. LOS ANGELES property wanted. My Valley property to exchange for Los Anseles, property. Am moving there: Owner. 602 E.

Van Buren Harllngen, Texas. Q-252 RENTALS FOB RENT--Store rooran In Stsgrnan building. Bert. FDBMTDBE you, are no longer using may' be converted easily into cah through a classified HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, bedroom, garage: close In. Cool house.

Victoria Heights. Call at 809 Elizabeth. Q-39 APARTMENTS ALONSO APARTMENTS--Nicely fur- Dished. Comer Slstb and Levee. Phone S3B.

P-203 VERY COOL 2-room south apartment with gas, garage free, $25. 946-W. Telephone B-21 MAY DAY APARTMENTS-- Cool, new. modern, well located. Completely furbished Including zerozone, gas; 'garage.

Summer rates. '( 121 Phone Q-168 FOR BENT--Ideal apartment, everything new, completely furnished, Rea- sonebla rental Call 11V3-W. Q-106 Associated Press Pftoto Louis F. Buder)z, above, leader of Ker.osha, hosiery workers' strike, is suing Roger N. Kimball, vice president and general manager or Allen-A knit- tmg mills for CONLEY APAB.TMBNTS--Cool, and all conveniences.

357 W. Levee or phone M7-R. Q-214 IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT to tell all the facts In a classified ad. The best results follow quietly. COOL conveniences; summer rate, $23.

Aiso unfurnished house. 1248 W. Washington. Phone i 82C a-au. 300 Acres Cleared Situated within six blocks of the El Jardin Hotel.

This property offers a wonde 1 oppoi-tunity for an industrial sub-division for small acreage subdivision for grapefruit. Considered the highest spot in Brownsville. For sale by OWNER at $500.00 per Price and terms to suit. Release clauses on either lots or acreage. Henson- Lomax-Hous a Brownsville Development Brownsville, Texas.

3-ROOM APARTMENT--Private- bath: also 2-roorn apartment and cool bedrooms. Mary D. Collins, 132 W. Levee. Q-223 FOR RENT--4-roorn duplex-, furnished I conveniences.

Including garage; S35.00. 402 Adams street. ST. 1 --Lieut. Walter! polo player the third Fort Sr.elit ed last niftht in police said was William H.

Hirst, arrested. Botti men, police called upon Miss 1 Fercuson. 26. Dr: married. WHS seated- an automobile, polics 1 Lieut.

Miller arrived, words, and the tols. walked to the and orjcned'fil ler was shot in botK Dr. Hirst and Miss held for further qua COLD ENTIRE ARC ETJENOS AIRES, Mo'J A cold wave gripped Argentine today. At Ci-1 dcza the temperature Fahrenheit, th dying of the cold. freezing temperatures wc-)f8 ed from other sections oj public.

Municipal Course 1 Valley; City Purchases Land Recently CaU 1051-. va FURNISHED APARTMENT with all' nd groups for 2. golf course here 'nave been considered and on for years, San Benito is r.inlly to have a golf course, put in b'- the city, on land which ivas recently purchased several months ago by the REV. DAD RICHEYv3 BE IN FUKNISHED KOOMS ROOMS, one olocx postofflce. southern exposure; 1226-W or 1317.

reasonable. Phono M-215 block froin El Jardin farire is to be used as a site for the course. This tract was purchased at a very low rate, principally through the help of L. L. Zenor, local realtor Lavarne A.

Miller, who several months ago advanced a proposition for a privately owned course here, has been surveying the tract for the city, to estimate the cost, and lay NEWLY FURNISHED front bedroom, bath adjoins. Very cool and pleasant the warm weather. Phor.e 4e5. Q188 for FOENISHSD ROOM In prlvato family 'or rent. Phone 578.

Q-125 ROOMS AND rates. Hotel. Phone 6:9. P113 COOL FURNISHED ROOMS two blocks from postoffice. ment.

1005 St. Also furnished agart- Phone 1340-V7. COOLEST F.OOMS In town; 2 blocfcs cf posloffice. 912 Leveo. fSpecial to The Herald'J HABLINGEN, May 31 N.

(Dad) Bichey of Housed sppak in ths tabernacle here 05 street at 3 p. and in the Texas len at 7:30 p. r.i. Bev. Ricliey is pastor of the 3 ton Evangelistic temple, 'said one of the largest corigregatio, that city.

The meetings to be non-denominational. Air Mail Schedule The schedule for the mall Brownsville arrl Dallas Is annbi by the postorrice department, ait lows: Southbound-. AU Leave Dallas 7-4Sw admirably suited for a course, and Leave Ft. worth jtfis Leave 9:20 i Leavo Lcavo, Sr.n Antonio HOUSES FOB KS.VT--T-roo.-n touts, modern conveniences. between Third and Fourth, Washington street.

Q-137 TWO new houses for rent on Tenth street, between Madison acd Monroe; modern conveniences. Q-148 MODERN 5-room home, sleeping porch, garage and sas. Telephone 341. Q-203 out ths course. According to persons familiar with golf courses the tract near lijro admirably suited for a course, a a minimum of work will be necessary.

Irrigation of the greens snd fairways will be easily secured from the resaca nearby, and the arranging of hazards will prove easily, with plenty of water at hand for golfers to shoot into. This will be ths first muric'pal course in the Valley, and is expected to be usad extensively by residents of San Benito and Harliagen, and pcssibly of ether Valley cities. CHEVROLET MANAGER TO ATTEND SCHOOL RENT--5-room furnished house la Call Sunday. I. S.

Stclner, 14th and Grant. Brownsville, or phone Sagle Pass Lumber Point Isabel. Q-208 FOR three months: furnished house on farm. Call before June W. H.

Gammon, Olralto. Texas. Q-245 left last i ton to attend a two day school. Hous- ssrvice HOUSE, modern, all conveniences. Close In.

Phone 839. Q-237 ROOMS AND BOAKD Room and Board Good Home Cooking $10 a Week Single Meals, 50c This is in accordance with Chevrolet's custom of keeping the service department in touch with the latest methods of taking care of the new car, said Mr. Stevenson. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Phone 924 Elizabeth. The City of Brownsville will receive sealed bids, addressed to the Hon.

A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until a. June 7, 1929. for the construction of a small building located at the Airport, size 3 feet by nine feet.

Contractor will furnish all material, also plumbing equipment. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the City Manager. The City reserves mall to Mexico city Leave Arrive Taapico Leave Taraplco Arrive Mexico city. Following Is the Mexican Mr mall: Leave Mexico City Arrive Tainplco Leave Tampico Arrive Brownsville Is as follow; 8:30 for 7:45 a BOARD AND. ROOM by tha raeal or fee risht to efcct any and all bids.

Following is tho schedule on BrownsvUJc-Mazatlan Route: Leave Brownsville- 7 Arrive Monterrey Leave Monterroy 9:50 Arrive Torreon 12:10 p. Leave Torrcon Arrive Duranco 3:50 Leave Durango 4-10'p Arrive Mazstlaa 6:10 Return tri; Leave Mazatlun '7'0o Arrive Durango a. Lcavo Durango a Arrive Torreon 11:50 p. Leave Torreon 12:10 p. Arrive Monterrey 3:10 4:10 p.l 6:10 week.

1004 St. Charles." Phono 629-W Q-148 i 5-27 Leave Monterrey Arrive Brownsville- POSTAL RATES The United States air mall post rate Is 5 cents for the first ounce i 10 cents for each additional ounce rrn.ef.ioTi i tho United States for Mexico take- this rats. THE OLD HOME TOWN THANKS TO THE 500O WHO 5ENT JN LETTERS THE CONTEST Stanle 1 HONORABLE MENTION DAD KEYES WHISKER CONTEST Irvine Debbold, Oydentburg, Paul Solm, CloverjvilJt, N. y. Morriion.

So. Oil Cily, Pa. Owen Ark. Harvey C. Shoast, Ttrre Hnule, Ind Arthur Bellei-iJJc, 11) Buddy Van Dcuwn, Van Hornr.

1, EilelU Mich. Madeline Cumberland, Md B. B. PniJj; OtHva, L. H.

Pollack, McKwport, Pi, Elia. L. 1-Cci-n Wcit Palm Eeoch, Fla. Cacnon, Plaldiurff, N. V.

Joe Czemecke, Eliztbelh, Francit Bernholz, Jamiicc, N. Marjory Me. Virginia Green, Eau Claire, Eva BerSrsm, New.Cancan.Coiin. Mary Lee, Royal Cok, L. G.

Miles, 0 Lciler Jensen. Kenrney. Neb. Ed Allen, TulM.OW.. Walter Runycn.

Pulniki, Va. Rolph Brooks.Sprincfield, Mo. i Crout Nashville, Tenn. John W. Baker, Mobile, Mar arel E.

Hopper, Fort Scott, Ka Edward Doyd. Holland, Mich. Marion Payette. Racine, Wii Anne Morrow, Wilminclon, Jeuie Bcntlie. Lawrence, Wmme L.


The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6133

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.