Waco Tribune-Herald from Waco, Texas (2025)

Field and Stream By EARL GOLDING (Editor's Note: While Earl sportsmen are stepping in to keep quest columnist is Wacoan Tommy pert who has become a legend third in the 1955 Invitational anglers, and was second in the Whitney, with 373 Texas hotshots By TOMMY There are certain basic fishing produce results for anglers who know them all, by a long shot, just are among the most important, and The most common fault of careless way they approach a spot fishermen have the bad habit of rushing right up to within casting distance of every choice spot, without realizing that by this action they not only pass up some good fishing water on the way, but also ruin it for hours afterward. GEORGE These tellows will charge along through these in-between stretches like a bull in a china closet, never even trying to fish them. Pretty soon they will scare a big one out from under a tree or rock, or some other shallow hideout, and the angry fisherman says, "I sure scared a lunker out that time!" I've done the same thing quite a few times myself. It's easy to pass up good fishing water when you are heading to a "favorite! hole, 9. or trying to get within casting range of a fish that has been jumping far up in front of Golding vacationing.

Center Field and Stream rolling. Today's George, 31-year-old base 67- on Laka Whitney. George finished Bass Tourney with a field of 148 1956 first State Base Tourney on competing. GEORGE principles which will consistently follow them. I do not pretend to the ones I am going to discuss are easy to put to use.

many anglers, for instance, is the they want to fish. Far too many you. But now I try to remember that the best fishing is often in the same water you are so anxious to leave. I've learned from experience that it pays to work slow. ly and look for the fish in the miost unlikely spots, because those are the spots that will be bypassed by the boys who have their minds set on fishing those 50- called "favorite holes" only.

A bass feeding close to the surface or in shallow water is a very wary fish, because of the lack of protection offered him there. When you come upon them suddenly it is only natural for them to make a run for the deeper water where they will find safety. I also believe that those fish which have been frightened will alert other fish. Keep this in the next time you are in a hurry to get to that favorite spot. You can't go wrong when move slowly and with great caution.

Being in a hurry seldom pays off in fishing. Work Topwater Bait Slowlv! When fishing topwater baits, and, by the way, this is my favorite method of taking bass, the same procedure holds true: Work your bait slowly. When you make a cast with a topwater bait into a likely-looking spot, don't be in a hurry to retrieve it. Let it stay there for awhile. Let it stay there for at least a minute and you will find it pays with more and larger bass.

It takes patience but I've let a bait sit for as long as three minutes and I have been highly rewarded by this method. And when you start to retrieve, don't try to jerk the bottom out of the lake, Move it slowly, very slowly, and work it all the way in. Sometimes a bass will follow your bait almost to the boat before striking. Out of all the ways to work a top bait, this to me, has been the one that produces more and larger bass. To illustrate this theory: One morning before daylight.

Leon Vick, one of the area's better anglers, and I journeyed to Lake Whitney to try for some blacks. At that time Leon was fairly new at bass fishing, and 'I Thought a "Okeh," I said, "get ready, I'll get you in position to A couple of strokes with the oar had Leon in position to cast. "Let it hit right in front of the fallen I said, "and when it hits let it soak for awhile. I'll tell you when to move it." So Leon made his cast, and a fine cast it was. The bait landed directly in front of the fallen tree.

it soak," I said again, "and when you move it move it slowly, very slowly." Leon let the bait sit still for a full minute and when I gave him the go-ahead signal he moved it siowly and as he did, I thought a bomb had hit the water! The big bass came out from under the tree and hit his bait with all the power of a bull. Leon set the hook and the fight was one. "He's a good one. Leon said, but he didn't have to tell me for at that time the bass broke water and I could see for myself. When the fish came out of the water my heart gave a little flutter, and I knew Leon's was fluttering five times as much! There isn't much you can do when a fish breaks water.

Just keep your rod tip low CAT CORNERED Ray Marion, Pete fish on Lake Waco, Sandel and George Hutson (left to 4- not (Jimmie right) outwrestled this 61-pound cat- Willis Photo.) 24 Cars to Race At Suicide Bowl A crowded field of 24 cars will compete for the Summer Championship Trophy at Suicide Bowl tonight at 8:30. Ths winner then 35-lap race will take home Gene Welding Trophy. In addition to the modified stock car race, a display of fireworks will be staged by promoter Joe Ziobro. Bill White and Gordan Woolley are expected to duel for the top prize in the feature race. 00000804 WRITTEN GUARANTEED UNCONDITIONALLI LIFETIME MUFFLERS: 30- Free Min.

Installation Early Ford 88.60 Fairiane Chevrolet (All) Plymouth (thrm '56) $10.35 Pontiac (thru '54) $9.35 Others Similarly Priced ALL DUAL KITS AND HOLLYWOODS WACO MUFFLER CO. 115 WASHINGTON PHONE 3-1111 Snaring 61-Lb. Cat Just Like Whaling' "It was just like whaling; we had a lot of fun, but nobody will believe us," is the way George Hutson describes a wrestling match on Waco that resulted in a 61-pound catfish catch. Hutson, along with Pete Sandel and Ray Marion, were drift fishing with shrimp on the lake last week end. "We weren't having any luck all," Hutson relates with a The trio was near Lacy's Point when they spied the dorsal fin of a cattish cutting the water.

"We YMCA Sets New Swim Classes The Waco YMCA will start new swimming classes Monday, with one men's class to meet at 5:30 p. m. each day and another to receive instruction at noon each Monday and Wednesday. The classes are for either beginners or those reeking to improve their swimming skills. Two new beginners classes for boys also start Monday, one at 10:30 a.

m. and the other at 2:15 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There is no charge for the lessons but swimmers must be a YMCA member.

Norman Frederick and Charles Baker will conduct the classes. INSURE YOUR CAR NOW! Check the Cost With State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co. DIVIDEND On Currently Expiring Semi- Annual Insurance Policies A. W.

BAILEY DIAL 4-1901, 3-2993--617 WASHINGTON Insure Yeur Home Household Goods, Business Property With State Farm Fire and Casualty Company--SAVINGS IN ADVANCE couldn't figure it out," he says, knowing that catfish will seldom surface except when shocked or poisoned. "We took out after it," he continued, "and Sandel tried to Ca it. We had him two or three times, but he'd get away," By this time, trio had an audience on barges. Sandel finally succeeded in snaring the big cat He grappled him into the boat and the onlookers demanded a look at the big fish. "Heck, we could hardly lift him," Hutson relates.

"We really had a lot of fun chasing the fish down, but now nobody will believe how we caught it." Frierson Leads Casting Tourney The Waco Anglers Club's castping tournament goes into its seventh week of competition this Thursday night with Buddy Frierson leading all casters with a 52.3 score. Competition starts at 8 p. m. at the Boys Town Parking Lot, 18th and Herring. Frierson leads C.

V. Sancetta in the Class A division. Sancetta has a 50, Don Baker a 48.3, Charles Cantrell a 46.6 and Eddie Braun a 46. In the Class competition, Jesse Thompson is ahead with a 44, and in Class N. T.

Sharpe leads with a 26.8. Anglers' Meet Delayed Because the regular monthly meeting of the Waco Anglers Club on July 4 this year, the ses310n has been postponed until July 11, the second Wednesday of he month, president Ernest Bureson announced Saturday. The neeting will be held at the Waco Jealth Department Camp on Lake Waco. WATCH WARDS Extras! or SCOOP! WE HAVE 15 GENERAL ELECTRIC One Ton Air Conditioners REGULAR $36995 1956 MODELS LASTS WHILE TUESDAY MONDAY SUPPLY ONLY! 189 88 $5 Down on TERMS WACOANS MAKE BIG CATCH- -Cecil three sailfish and a dolphin they caught Willis (left) and Claude Manning pose fishing in the Gulf of California reat the wharf in Mazatlan, Mexico, with cently. BIG FISH FRY SET JULY 22 A big fish fry, open to members Lid non-members alike, will be staged Sunday, July 22, by the Waco Anglers Club at the Health Department Camp on Lake Waco.

-which are $1 each -are now on sale at W. A. Holt's, Cogdell's, Boys Town and Padgitt's. They also may be secured from chairman Henry Dyer, at 3-6354. Fried fish, with all the trimmings, and cold drinks will be served starting at 6 p.

m. Gates will be opened at 5 p. m. Gate prizes will be given away. Tickets must be purchased in advance as none will be sold at the gate.

State's Dove Crop To Be Plentiful One AUSTIN (UP)- Despite the drouth, preliminary census reports indicate another good mourning dove shoot in Texas, the State Game and Fish Commission reported today. W. S. Jennings, the commission's assistant director of wild. life restoration, said the drouth has hurt the dove population but there was the record numbers of last year to apparenuy assure birds.

However, Jennings warned final counts may not permit the extra five days allowed last fall when Texas sportsmen enjoyed an extraordinary mourning dove hunt. Ordinarily, a 40-day season is allowed, with the state divided into a north and south zone. The shooting period has customarily begun on Sept. 1 in the north zone which comprises about threefourths of the state. Last year the south zone season was experimentally delayed, running from Oct.

15 through Nov. 28. The established pattern calls for afternoon shooting only, with bag and possession limits both set at 10 birds. Pistol Firing Set The Waco Rifle and Pistol Club will hold pistol matches today at 2 p. m.

at the Backland Range. Competition will be in both .22 calibre and center fire. Mazatlan Fishing Hit With Wacoans Claude Manning, 4209 Gorman, returned to Waco last week after visiting Mazatlan, a Mexican fishing city on the Gulf of California which he predicts will "steal the thunder from Acapulco" soon. Making the vacation trip with him were his wife and Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Willis. In three days of fishing the two men caught four sailfish varying in length from nine to 11 feet, four dolphins (the biggest weighing 35 pounds), and six yellowtails, which are aggressive members of tuna the' family. The wives accompanied them in the small boats six or seven miles out in the beautiful, clear, blue, cool water but did no fishing. The captain of the fishing boat, who spoke "just enough English to get by," and the captain's helper, who sits atop the boat and quickly spots schools of fish, composed these deep-sea angling parties. "Until you've had the experience yourself you can't imagine what a thrill it is to hook a sailfish or a Manning said.

"When you hang a sailfish it will jump 10 or 12 feet in the air and sometimes almost pulls you out of the swivel chair. It usually takes about 40 minutes to land Huge School of Dolphin Although he didn't need any help in landing his fish, Manning explained that sometimes it takes two people to hold the pole when the fish are really big and ing especially hard. "You aren't fastened to the seat and if you know you're losing the fight and are in danger of being pulled into the water you can always let he explained. Fishing is so easy in Mazatlan, the veteran angler enthused. "There's no waiting at all.

Within 15 minutes after you arrive you can start catching fish," he said. "I never saw so many fish in my life. Out in the gulf I saw a school of dolphin that covered an acre and a half, and they were all swimming and jumping close together." Decoy Dragged Behind Each boat has two seats at the end from which the men fish. Americas Beautiful hadn't caught too many bass cn top baits. As always when Leon and I had fished together, he would start with underwater baits and I would start on top.

We were having average luck after about two hours of plugging. In the meantime, after I had caught and landed four or five nice blacks ranging from to 3 pounds, Leon had switched to a top bait. He was behind two or three fish but immediately began to catch up after the change of baits. We had worked our way far back into one of the many fine brush sloughs on the lake when a big bass broke water some 30 to 40 feet in frontof us. "Did you see that?" asked Leon, anxiously.

"No," I said, "but I heard it, and it sounded like a big one!" "It was," Leon said, "I saw saw him he's right under that fallen tree. Let's go get him!" "Hold it," I said, "we'll be there in a minute." After making a few more casts and catching one more fish, we decided it was time to try to get that fish! Bomb Had and line tight and say a prayer. of After another jump and a couple breath-taking moments when the bass headed into some brush, the lunker was netted and Leon had a four-pound, 12-ounce bass to add to the stringer. The stringer was to be full before the day was over, and all but three of these fish were taken by this method. The other three were caught by Leon cri underwater baits.

Sometimes a fast-moving bait will be the key to success. But these times are rare, when fishing for a large bass. I especially can count on one hand the large bass I have caught on a 1 fast-moving topwater bait. When I speak cf large bass, I'm referring to the ones from pounds on up. Show me a man who complains of poor luck on topwater baits, and I'll show you a man who is working his bait entirely too fast.

Once I get started talking about bass fishing, and different ways to fool them, it's hard for me to stop. I hope that some of these ideas will help you put more fish big ones- on your stringer. Good luck! Merchants Hike Lead In Junior Teen-Age The 25th Street Merchants widened its lead in the Junior TeenAge League last week and now owns a edge on the rest of the circuit. The Optimists and Franklin Center are tied for second. TeamMerchants AN Optimists 00 Franklin Center 3 Bell Jewelers 3 Wilson Lumber Methodist Home 6 Solunar Tables REST TIMES TO HUNT AND FISH A.

M. Minor July 1-Sunday 11:35 July 2-Monday July 3 Tuesday 12:50 July 4-Wednes. 1:45 July 6-Friday 3:45 July 7-Satur 4:50 July 8- Sunday 5:50 Malor Minor Matro 5:25 11:55 3:45 5:15 12:25 6:35 3:05 1:15 7:30 8:00 2:10 8:03 10:05 4:15 10:35 11:10 5:20 11:35 6:20 12:10 NEW TIRES! 600x16 COOPERS Tire EASY TERMS Tar CONSUMERS OIL STATIONS 1309 Rencik Ph. 2-8531 1025 Washington Ph. 2-1811 They use mullet for bait and sew it on the hook.

The decoy, a red-andwhite wooden block, is dragged behind the boat to attract the fishes' attention. When they come to investigate they see the bait and strike. The dolphin puts up a tremendous tight and is almost as spirited as the sailfish, Manning admits. The climate at Mazatlan is ideal with cool nights and 85-degree temperature in the daytime. The city is nestled against the mountains, has four miles of beach and features numerous fine but inexpensive hotels.

The people there haven't yet gotten used to tourists enough to bother them. 'Short Out' Is Dangerous Manning wants to warn Wacoans who may travel to Mazatlan not to try the "short cut" that saves 400 miles of driving. This route goes from Monterrey through Saltillo, Torreron, Durango and El Salto. Between Durango and Mazatlan the dirt road goes through lufty mountains and sometimes reaches altitudes of 12,000 feet. It took the Wacoans 12 hours to travel 175 miles and it was dangerous motoring.

"We drove as close to the moun tainside we could," Manning said. "The fog was so thick we could hardly see and we crept along at 10 or 15 miles an hour most of the time. We couldn't see below us, but it must have been a tremendous drop." Johnson Javelin Sparkling Holiday Bronze Wrap-Around Chrome Cowling Concealed Controls Recessed Panel for Owner's Initials Electric Starting 30 Horsepower CONVENIENT TERMS! Cordells OPEN NITES 'TIL Johnson FOR DEPENDABILITY TONIGHT P.M. SUICIDE BOWL North Over Lake Waco Dam- West of Municipal Airport Extra Attraction STOCK CAR: FIREWORKS RACES Display Summer CHAMPIONSHIP Bring The Children Two Big Shows ALL FOR ONE PRICE! WATCH WARDS FOR Extras! Hand SAVE $40 20" ROTARY MOWER Compare At FREE 99.50 Save $40 BONUS 50' Plastic Hose With Each Mower Sold During Sale H. P.

4 Cycle Vertical Drive Automatic Governor 5988.

Waco Tribune-Herald from Waco, Texas (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.